
Shimla – the queen of Hills

Shimla is considered one of the best tourist attractions both in winter and summer and it is also known as the ‘Queen of Hill Stations’ the best places to visit in Shimla are endless too. If you love hills then it is one of the best places where you can visit undoubtedly. 

Places to visit when you are in Shimla 

  • Mall Road- This is considered one of the best places to visit in Shimla irrespective of all ages. Irrespective of snow-capped mountains you can also get to have lots of activities. Along it also offers lots of historical areas to watch.
  • Jakhoo Hills- This is the highest peak in Shimla and moreover offers a panoramic view of the mighty Himalayas. This hill is dedicated to God Hanuman and through a cable car, you can also visit the temple situated at the top of the hill.
  • Green Valley- If you are in Shimla and craving green space then this is the place which you can’t miss upon. It is the verdant hills surrounded by pine and deodar trees which your eyes will never get tired of and definitely, and you will be mesmerized by the view of such a place.
  • Himalayan bird park- It is the home of some endangered species of birds and other Himalayan animals. The park also has lots of species of plants and trees which are beautiful and unique to see.

Tips on accommodation in Shimla 

While it is extremely difficult to choose hotels in Shimla to stay in there are thousands of options to choose from. The first thing which you need to decide is whether you want to book a lodge or a 4-5 star hotel. You have to be very clear whether you want to search for a luxury or places where you just want to stay at a place which is quickly enjoyable. Also, it is important to understand what the facilities you want to choose from are and what you are getting while choosing the accommodation. Ensure to get a price range before you start searching for hotels in Shimla which will definitely help you to shortlist your requirement.

Know the nearby tourist places

Though Shimla is itself a place where you will be mesmerized by beautiful places but you can also look for tourist places near Shimla if you want to extend your holiday. Kurfi is one of the places where you can opt for trekking at third place. Narkanda is another place where you will opt for several outdoor activities like skiing, angling and winter sports. Kasauli is another place where you will not only get beautiful scenic beauty but also include churches and buildings of architectural style.

Reshmi Ghosh

Reshmi Ghosh is a content writer. He has been doing this for the past three years and has succeeded in getting audiences to pay close attention to her work.

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