
6th April BJP Foundation Day

6th April BJP Foundation Day

On 6th April the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party)  celebrated its 43rd foundation day. It also mentioned that the BJP is planning for a seven-day-long social harmony campaign from the 6th of April till Baba Saheb Ambedkar’s birth anniversary on the 14th of April.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered speech

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the leaders of the BJP on this occasion. JP Nadda, the national president of the BJP, has written a letter to each party leader and state president requesting them to participate in the social harmony week activity. Besides issuing this letter, JP Nadda has likewise discussed the outline of the agendas that will run through video conferencing during this period with each state president.

Sources have informed ANI that BJP has requested party workers via a letter to make sure that the message of the Prime Minister can be heard by assembling in the district, state, divisional, as well as booth level offices.

The party has informed the state units that Panna Pramukhs and booth committees at every booth must listen to the speech of the Prime Minister and every single booth president must put up the flags of the BJP at their respective houses.

Instructions given by the BJP

The BJP has also given instructions that it is imperative for the BJP workers to organize discussions and seminars on the historical background of the BJP as well as the achievements made by the central government following the speech of the Prime Minister till 14th April. Besides this, the BJP has also asked the party workers to invite the intellects of the society on the occasion of the foundation day of the party and to provide decoration to the party offices with the help of lighting plus distribute prasad.

Moreover, it is compulsory for the party’s office bearers as well as all the MLSs and MPs to take part in the programs of the foundation day, organize a minimum of three programs in one particular assembly constituency, as well as share the photos on social media. Besides all these, the party has also provided instructions for celebrating the birthday of Babasaheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar on 14th April by putting up pictures of this person at booth-level programs.

On top of this, the BJP has also requested the workers to provide detailed information regarding the programs operated by the central government to intellects as well as social workers of the Dalit community on their behalf. In this regard, programs for cleaning unhealthy slums as well as providing garlands to the pictures of Babasaheb will also happen.

Apart from this, on the foundation day of the party, the authorities will provide instructions for inviting and felicitating the workers operating since Jana Sangh. All BJP fronts will operate different campaigns during social harmony week.

Reshmi Ghosh

Reshmi Ghosh is a content writer. He has been doing this for the past three years and has succeeded in getting audiences to pay close attention to her work.

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