15 unusual fruits to try from around the world

It will be a sensible idea to consume fruits so that we can lead healthy lives. However, there are some unusual fruits to try from around the world which we have mentioned in this post.
1. Durian
This fruit is unusual by every means. First, the fruit is covered in spikes which are not friendly to touch. Moreover, the smell of the fruit is not very conducive. However, this fruit is delicious and succulent on the inside.
2. Akala Berry
Native to the Hawaiian Islands, this fruit is similar to a large raspberry. It will provide you with the balance of sweetness and tang that will make it ideal for pies and jams.
3. Jackfruit
Being native to Southeast Asia, jackfruit happens to be the biggest tree-borne fruit on the planet, and its weight can be as much as 80 pounds. The good thing is that this fruit can boast of having an apple or banana flavor along with subtle sweetness.
4. Dragonfruit
There is no doubt that this fruit happens to be an exotic delicacy from many tropical areas on the planet. It appears similar to a dragon egg and you will find that there is a juicy flesh inside once the green and pink exterior opens.
5. Cupuaçu
This tree which is grown in the Amazon will provide you with a melon-sized fruit. The creamy flesh of this fruit has a taste of chocolate while its tanginess can be compared to that of citrus or pineapple.
6. Cherimoya
It is native to South America and is full of a cᴜstard-like and soft white flesh that provides it with the name of custard apple. The taste of this fruit is similar to a combination of pineapple, bubblegum, and banana.
7. Waxberry
There is no doubt that this fruit will taste and appear something different than wax. Being sour as well as sweet, it also provides a unique tartness once you consume it.
8. Prickly Pear
Being native to the American southwest and Mexico, this unusual fruit varies widely when it comes to texture and taste. It is possible to eat this fruit absolutely raw after removing the spines before peeling it.
9. Kiwano (Horned Melon)
This fruit is rather attractive and is grown in sub-Saharan Africa. Kiwano is known to have bright orange and spiky skin full of green and yellow seeds. The taste of the flesh is similar to a lemony cucumber.
10. Passion Fruit
This fruit appears to be like a small golf ball having hard skin and it is red or yellow in color. It is native to South America, although it is grown across the globe right now.
11. Starfruit (Carambola)
Despite the fact that this fruit does not resemble a star, it is grown in Sri Lanka at present. If you like to know the flavor, then it will be advisable for you to try it yourself.
12. Rambutan
Being native to Southeast Asia this fruit features a hairy and red exterior surrounding the delicious and sweet fruit inside. You will find Rambutan in the majority of the fruit stands in Southeast Asia.
13. Feijoa (Pineapple Guava)
It happens to be a small and elliptical fruit with somewhat gritty flesh that you may scoop out with the help of a spoon. It is mainly grown in Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil.
14. Tamarillo
This fruit resembles a cherry tomato and can boast of having a sweet and juicy interior. It is possible to use Tamarillo to make different types of juices, sauces, as well as pastes for cooking.
15. Loquat
It is a small orange fruit that has the shape of a peer and with large seeds. The taste of this fruit happens to be a combination of mango and peach.